Post-event reports

Mr. Ousmane Mbaye
Could you give us an overview of your experience in the mining industry ? (A brief overview of your current role and organization) Answer : First of all, our commitment to the mining industry is based on promoting and defending the interests of our members, which include major mining companies,

Could you give us an overview of your experience in the mining industry? (A brief overview of your current role and organization) 11 years at Rio Tinto: from Manager of Government Relations Department to Country Managing Director and 4 years as a member of the Executive Committee of the Diamonds

How Africa is uniting to advance pension fund growth
Part 1: Ahead of the 2024 AMETrade Pension Funds and Alternative Investments Africa (PIAfrica) conference in Mauritius, this first in a three-part series raises questions, outlines the challenges and considers the possibilities for the continent’s growing pension fund industry To say that Africa’s pension industry faces challenges is serious understatement.

Ouro e Fostato Dominam a Atenção em Angola na Celebração Do Mês Do Trabalhador Mineiro
OURO E FOSTATO DOMINAM A ATENÇÃO EM ANGOLA NA CELEBRAÇÃO DO MÊS DO TRABALHADOR MINEIRO – análise de cadeia de valor do ouro e abertura de mina de exploração de fosfato marcam o mês em que Angola celebra 39 anos da existência de trabalhadores mineiros Sebastião Panzo* Quando Angola celebrar

Angola increases the search for innovative foreign mine financing funds
Uma sociedade de capitais de risco e a corrida aos investimentos internacionais, especialmente o chinês, marca o primeiro trimestre de 2024 Sebastião Panzo Durante os u ltimos vinte e quatro anos, Lourdes Caposso, uma mulher polí tica e empreendedora angolana na indu stria de petro leo e ga s tem

Corporate Responsibility
Em uma realidade cada vez mais desafiadora, a indústria extrativa é desafiada a…