Rentia van Tonder
Question 1: Standard Bank has been playing a pivotal role in facilitating Just energy transactions across Africa, perhaps you can share with us recent accomplishments or successes?
Answer 1: Supporting economic growth and driving sustainable investment and development are key drivers for Standard Bank, especially in unlocking Africa’s potential. The broader impact of the energy transition remains important in funding projects, Standard Bank has recently funded and closed the first large scale Utility project on the continent, 540MW solar PV combined with 1,1GWh of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to be able to provide power into the grid. The project commenced construction and is based in Kenhardt in South Africa. Standard Bank also recently closed a 200MW solar project to provide green power through a wheeling arrangement to a mining company based in South Africa with operations across the country. Other examples include a 40MW solar PV project in Kenya which was commissioned a few weeks ago as well funding to support Solar Home system roll outs by supporting companies like M Kopa, Green Light Planet and others under consideration. Standard Bank has also been the leading financier of projects in Namibia and is actively involved in all presence markets, mainly across Sub Saharan Africa.
Question 2: Can you share with us a little overview of your intervention at the ZIMEC 2022 and how can Stanbic support financing renewable energy projects in Zambia?
Answer 2: Stanbic is a committed partner to support clients in their growth journey, our focus to develop funding solutions towards captive power and sustainable development are critical considerations. We can offer various structures and certainly discuss how we can assist.